Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Break

The end of the first semester has arrived and after completing my tests I started to think about everything that had happened over the semester. I was faced with a a lot of complicated life choices as I applied to medical schools and spent a huge sum of money only to get rejection emails. It was a blow to my self esteem, but as the semester progressed I became more and more competent in the pharmacology and my grades improved. The work didn't seem so overwhelming and I met people who I hope to know for the rest of my life through school and service. I noticed that I would feel like something in my life was lacking when I didn't complete as much service as I wanted to. I look forward to next semester and giving more hours than I did this semester.

September: 16 hours
October: 8 hours
November: 8 hours
December: 3 hours
Total: 35 hours

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