Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving celebrations

Another month down and another 8 hours of service completed. I was trying to get a second shift in before the end of the month but unfortunately I wasn't able too. Luckily I was able to get a shift in on Thursday, November 20th for habitat. This shift was a little different and I was unsure of how I felt about the work I had done. Me and several other classmates (Nick and Chad) were working on a house that had already been erected however some of the siding needed repair. However, much of the wood was rotted and there were more than a few hornet and wasp nests. Our work didn't involve replacing the rotten wood but rather patching over it which felt as though it was an inadequate solution. Nonetheless, Chad, Nick, and I spent the day battling wasps and patching over the rotten wood. There was significantly less guidance on this project than the last which had its perks initially but towards the end, much of the work that had been done needed to be redone. Some things that I disliked this time was the fact that the project manager was chain smoking and given that I have recently (<1 year) quit, I found I was grumpier than usual. Hopefully, I learn how to focus on my work and complete my project despite distractions such as that in the future.

In other news, school has been going extremely well and the final stretch is approaching (one more test!). I can finally start to breath easy although I can't help but remember that when I first talked to Dr. Clarkson, he said that the second semester was just as busy as the first. I have to keep that in mind going in to a 3 week break and a final stretch for this program. I also have a hydrogen sulfide project that I was supposed to be working on but have not been able to sit down and do. I expect that I will have to complete it next semester and I am unsure of how Dr. Kadowitz will feel about that. Happy holidays until next time.

Graham Unis

Hours: 8